
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 9951051
2.   NL 661567
3.   CN 561305
4.   US 407846
5.   CA 406277
6.   IN 138537
7.   UA 133714
8.   DE 123210
9.   BG 119365
10.   GB 100912
11.   RU 59468
12.   KR 58638
13.   VN 47819
14.   TW 41483
15.   IR 38773
Most abused passwords
1. aA123456 84292
2. Abc.123 83859
3. Abcdef.123456 83831
4. p@ssw0rd69 83825
5. Abcde.12345 83808
6. Password21 83783
7. qwerty99 83774
8. Abcd.1234 83753
9. passkey 83747
10. Asd123 83718
11. Password654321 83717
12. QWE123!@# 83703
13. Qwer!234 83686
14. Super123 83675
15. Wsx123 83671